The Need for GIFT

Our mission is to build a fund so ALL international adoptees have the opportunity to visit their birth country and explore their beginnings accompanied by family who loves them and supported in a way that is emotionally healthy.

The Gift of Identity Fund, Ltd. provides funding to international adoptees visiting their birth country with the goal of helping them understand their identity, heritage, and culture while traveling via Adoptive Family Travel by The Ties Program, a family-based heritage program. The Ties Program has traditionally offered family programs called Flagship and Lite.  More recently, with the ages of adoptees increasing, Ties has added Next Gen programs created especially for  adult adoptees and those who love them.

Many organizations have provided funding to families who would like to adopt a child, but cannot afford the expense. GIFT was born from the idea that regardless of a family’s financial situation, nearly all international adoptees need to connect with their birth country for many, many reasons. Some can simply not afford it. 

You can make a huge impact in the life of an adoptee. You can give the gift of identity.

It’s time. Are you ready to help?


International adoptees have arrived from all parts of the world to forever homes typically as infants or young children. These beautiful children leave their country, their culture, their caregivers, and their biological families. They are given a new and usually wonderful, loving home, and a family who strives to give them a joy-filled life.  While the losses are great, the gifts are too.

As time unfolds, it becomes increasingly evident that the greatest gift an adoptee can receive is the gift of identity— the gift of reconnecting with their birth country, their culture, their caregivers, places of birth and founding, and sometimes their birth family.

It is not surprising that these adoptees, despite the immense love they share with their adoptive families, feel caught in the circumstances, and long to know, “Who am I?”


Adoptive families face enormous expenses when they adopt, followed by yet more expenses to help their children explore their birth country, heritage, and identity. The combination is indeed extraordinary and no funding source exists to help families provide adoptees with what they truly need. To get grounded and comfortable in their own skin, adoptees need the opportunity to explore where they began life.


The Gift of Identity Fund, Ltd was created to help provide funding for international adoptees who would like to visit their birth-country, but are not financially able to do so.  International adoptees traveling with their families are awarded funds, helping defray the cost of travel.  The number of grants given each cycle depends on the size of the fund.


Gift of Identity is 100% volunteer run.
All donations go entirely to the grant fund. 

Gift of Identity Fund, Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
sister organization of Adoptive Family Travel by The Ties Program.

We are proud of our Platinum Transparency rating by Candid (formerly GuideStar)!

Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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